Friday, March 26, 2010

Late start planting in garden.

I am off to a terrible start this year. We are planning on getting some dogs this year so I am building a fence around my garden. The fence is still in work as shown below. Last year, I didn't have much luck with transplanting after I started plants from seed. I tried again to grow a few things from seed but the died again when I started trying aclimate them to the outside weather. I figure since I have a small garden, it is less headache to just by the plants from lowes/home depot. In the photos below, I have some brussel sprouts that I bought at lowes in Feb and had planted some onion seeds around the same time. I have a big bush of parsely growing too that I had planted last year.

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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Getting Garden ready for Spring

We were on vacation during the end of december and half of january. This year I have a slightly different mindset in that my goal is to get things planted by the end of March. At that time, morning sun will hit my garden from a different angle which will provide more sun. Some of the things I had planted early last year, were in complete shade up until around March/April. Some things didn't even sprout. I have re-arranged some garden beds based on how much sunlight they got last year. I am also rotating the crop this year to see if some things grow better in other locations.