Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Building a drip system for the garden

Once I had finished building the garden beds and added the soil, I ran a drip system to all the garden beds. I used 1/4 in tubing in each plot to hold the dripper and 5/8 tubing was used to run the distance between each plot. I bought adapters that went onto my existing sprinkler system. These adapters connect to the sprinkler heads. The adapter then allows a 5/8 tubing to be connected to it. The last picture shows the drip system tubing a little better.
In addition to adding a drip system to water the plants, I put landscape fabric down in the walk ways and then covered them with wood chips and stepping stones. I read that people also put landscape fabric down in the garden beds but I didn't do that this time.
You can see that some of the plants have started to sprout. In this top picture, I had planted yellow squash and zucchini in the rectangle garden box. In the box on the bottom left of the top picture, I planted carrots, green onions and basil. On the opposite side of that box I planted yellow bell peppers, red bell peppers and green bell peppers. I also planted some loose leaf lettuce.

I planted snap peas and green peas along the side of the shed. In the two square plots below, I planted red cabage, broccoli, cauliflower, swiss chard (never tried it), japanese eggplant and some habbanero plants. In the two square boxes along the shed I planted one roma tomato and in the other I planted jalapeno, sweet pepper and serrano peppers.

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